Starcraft 2 Map - Lost Arcanum

Date: 2013-09-12
StarCraft 2 Map
Windows 7, Vista, XP
No special requirements

Description - Starcraft 2 Map - Lost Arcanum

This map is my second collaboration with gundream; who provided a basic layout sketch which was then slightly tweaked, more subtle changes were then made during creation. Here are the initial sketchesThe most significant changes were slightly relocating the natural, adjusting the natural choke point and adding a second ramp to the 4th/5th high ground expansion. The shape/size of the main base was also changed slightly.Players spawn at the 10 and 4 positions on a sizeable high-ground base and can then expand away from their opponents to their natural. The natural expansion is tucked away and very close to the ramp, but there is still a path behind the mineral line for harassment and Turret placement.Destructible rocks (scrap metal) block a wide ramp entrance from the natural to the third base/second expansion. A second wide ramp then leads from the third base to the 4th and 5th expansions. One of which is farther from your opponent but on low-ground and more open, whereas the other is on high-ground and harder to attack but is at a closer proximity to your opponent.In the centre of the map is a large piece of high-ground which houses the two high-yield expansions. There are 4 ramps, two in the middle and one each at the north-east and south-west.There are 4 watchtowers on Lost Arcanum which provide significant vision around the middle of the map. Two of the towers allow spotting of the gold expansions, and the other two are more out of the way but provide useful sight of potential flanks. All of the watchtowers are surrounded by LOS blockers for sneaky Tactics.

Starcraft 2 Map - Lost Arcanum Games Lost Arcanum Third Base

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